When sales team cannot meet their conversion metrics, it has a negative impact on the company as a whole and reduces its potential revenue. Though it’s common to point the finger at the sales team, it may be the quality of their leads that’s to blame. Below are five tips for improving conversions through better leads.
#1 – Make Sure the Lead is Authorized to Buy
Before the salesperson begins his or her pitch, it’s important for him or her to ensure that the lead is authorized to make the purchase. If a salesperson spends an hour telling someone about the product or service but discovers that the prospect is unable to make any purchasing decisions, it’s a waste of time. It discourages salespeople and can even lead to burnout. There are several ways to ensure your leads are decision-makers who are authorized to make purchases, but the most effective method involves asking them outright.
#2 – Build a Client Profile
A client profile is an important tool because it helps you better understand your ideal clients. After all, if you are pitching to a person or company who isn’t an ideal fit for your product or service, your conversions will suffer. To build a profile, it’s important to understand who your product or service is designed to help. Aside from that, it’s also critical to know exactly how the product or service can add value.
#3 – Talk to the Same Point of Contact
If your company is in B2B sales, it’s important to focus on one point of contact in a company. Though it may be tempting to speak with multiple people, this often leads to confusion and may actually hinder your sale. If the owner of the company shows interest in your product, for example, make sure all future communications regarding the sale are with the owner. Though it may require some precise scheduling, it’s worth it in the end.
#4 – Provide the Same Point of Contact to Clients, Too
Just as your sales team should have one point of contact for every potential company, it’s important for that company to speak to the same point of contact or salesperson throughout the entire process. Not only does this ensure consistency across the experience, but it also helps to build a client/salesperson relationship that is important for higher conversions.
#5 – Practice Overcoming Objections
Last, but most certainly not least, it’s important for sales teams to understand the differences between overcoming objections and being pushy. A company or individual who expresses interest in your product or service may actually turn away from it and look elsewhere if your sales team is too pushy. The best way to avoid this is to practice overcoming objections regularly through ongoing sales training and workshops.
Increasing your conversion rate starts with obtaining higher quality leads. A lead should be authorized to buy, and they should fit your client profile, as well. Aside from this, it’s important for your salespeople to talk to the same point of contact in each interaction, and it’s equally important for potential clients to speak to the same salesperson throughout the process, too.