LeadJen has always worked closely with clients…so closely that our team members are dedicated to client projects and become like a member of the client’s company! Part of having such a close working relationship is sharing any and all information that results from a calling campaign. Whether it’s updated contacts, email addresses, call notes, phone number updates, or edits to important fields (budget, existing solutions, time-frame, size), clients see value in having these updates made live in their master database.

LeadJen used to work with the existing client CRM (in many cases salesforce.com). Clients appreciated this because they had live database updates happening, however, it wasn’t productive. Salesforce.com is simply not created for high volume prospecting efforts. It was taking our team up to 15 clicks and 3-4 screen repaints to log a simple voicemail! Not productive…

Jesubi helped LeadJen by providing an interface that improved productivity by allowing our team to easily and quickly record prospecting results (only taking one click to leave a voicemail now), while still integrating all the same field level edits and activity history back to salesforce.com…just as if we had made those edits live in salesforce.com in the first place.

Our LeadJen Inside Sales Executives would scream if we took away Jesubi and made them use salesforce.com. They love Jesubi and our clients love the reporting. I LOVE it when everyone is happy!