Introducing SALESVUE…
We’ve got some exciting news to share with all of our very loyal Jesubi customers! After 6 years as Jesubi, we have made the decision to rebrand our company as Salesvue. It is much more relevant to what we do and as much as we’ve enjoyed all the various pronunciations of JESUBI, Salesvue is much easier for everyone to pronounce!
In addition to the name change, we are introducing a sister product, Salesvue for, to our classic software! The new application still maintains our powerful prospecting engine but is now embedded in Customers of love the concept of prospecting automation that our product enables, but being unable to work inside of causes lots of headaches and extra costs from an administrative and data standpoint. With Salesvue for, they’ll be able to have all of the benefits of our product inside of Salesforce allowing them to be more productive and efficient.
Beginning on Thursday, August 1, please go to to access the Salesvue Classic (formerly Jesubi) login link that will take you to the product you know and love. If you happen to type in, it will redirect you to If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me or any of our members of the client success team.
Thanks for your continued support and we’re looking forward to a strong second half of 2013.
Best Regards,
Bill Johnson
Salesvue |