5 Tricks To Leaving the Perfect Sales Voicemail
Connecting with a new customer can be exciting but it also can be daunting. How do you craft the perfect opening pitch that will ensure the best chance of them returning your call? One of the ways to ensure your success with a potential customer is to leave them the perfect sales voicemail.
This may seem like an easy task, after all people leave each other voicemails all the time. As with most things, it’s a bit easier than it looks. Crafting the perfect sales message takes practice and preparation. In this article we discuss 5 strategies that can help you deliver that perfect first voice message:
- Leave Voicemails at the End of the Day
- Rehearse Your Script Beforehand
- Keep Voicemails Under 30 Seconds
- Ask Personalized Questions
- Utilize Software
1. Leave Voicemails at the End of the Day
A big part of leaving the perfect sales voicemail is considering the receptiveness of the recipient. Think of the amount of phone calls a business person gets during the average work day. If they receive a call at 11 AM in the morning how likely are they to respond to it? By that time they probably have things they are working on and other calls they are taking. Your voicemail is going to get lost in the shuffle and forgotten.
Studies have shown that people are more likely to remember things that occur at the end or the beginning of lists. A voicemail listened to at 4:30 PM will be more likely to get a response as the prospect is done with their work for the day. They are going to be more likely to remember your voicemail and return your call later. It’s a simple trick but it can make a big difference
2. Rehearse Your Script Beforehand
As with most things, it helps to have a plan. Because of how ubiquitous they are, we tend to think of voicemails as being casual. The truth is that the better you plan your message out ahead of time the more likely you are to have success in the long run. Take time to think about the perfect message to send on your sales voicemail, write it out and rehearse it a few times. By the time you go for the actual voicemail it’s going to sound well-polished and professional.
3. Aim to Keep Voicemails Under 30 Seconds
Brevity is everything. Your message to the customer should be short enough to fit between 20-30 seconds. Think of how long the average person listens to a voicemail. If a message doesn’t grab them right away they are probably going to stop listening and hit delete. Say the important things and leave them wanting more.
You can hint at some specific goals for their business and have that be what you end with. Don’t forget when you bring your well-crafted voicemail to a close to also leave your number so they can return your call.
4. Ask Personalized Questions
When you think of the stereotypical salesperson, does a loud person throwing around a lot cliche phrases come to mind? While this style may work for some people, it’s best to focus mainly on connecting with your potential customer. Ask questions that wouldn’t normally get posed in an email or in a stereotypical sales call.
You should ask questions that put the burden of response on the customer. For instance, if they mentioned a particular project they are working on in their LinkedIn page, you might say something like ‘When we talk next I’d love if you could tell me more about project XYZ.’ This singles out the customer and may make them feel more obligated to reach back out to you.
5. Utilize Software to Send Pre-Recorded Voicemails
Like it or not, sales calling is all about repetition and persistence. You need to keep dialing and contacting people in order to narrow down to the folks who are actually interested in what you’re selling. Luckily, there are a number of software innovations that can make the process easier by allowing you to pre-record messages.
Using automated calling software, you can pre-record voicemails and the software will call dozens of numbers an hour, allowing you to create a well-crafted message and deliver it across a large group of potential customers. Some softwares will even alert your sales team when a live person answers the call. This saves time and money in the long run.
6. Consider Working With an Outsourced Sales Company
For many companies, developing an in-house sales team can be a time consuming and difficult task. The job market is constantly attracting sales talent elsewhere and this can make it hard for your team to build upon past successes. Have you considered hiring an outsourced sales representative?
At LeadJen, we offer scalable, adaptable and strategic sales solutions that can be tailored to your business. Using the latest lead generation technology on the market, we work with you and your team to streamline the sales process and drive lead generation. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business improve its sales process.