Jenny Vance was recently quoted in IAWEO Valentines Day article “A Love Letter to My Business”

Happy Valentine’s Day from the team at IAWEO!

We are so blessed to connect with each one of our members and our readers (who we know will soon become members)!  In fact, this year, we’ve decided that our members are our Valentines because they are what makes us so excited to get up and do what we do each and every day.

We know that business is not always peaches and cream, especially when you’re the woman in charge.

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we’ve reached out and asked over 100 women entrepreneurs, and they’ve shared what they love most about their business.


1. What’s Important

I love that running my own business allows me to have a great, fulfilling career, and be a loving wife and committed mother to our 3 kids! I get to decide what is important every day!

Thanks to Alexia Bregman of Vuka, LLC

2. I’m On The Home Page Of Yahoo! One Minute & Playing With Lula The Hippo The Next

I had a great day Feburary 9th. My blog and our family was featured ” Living on 50% Less” on the home page of Yahoo! Shine. I really love that I work from home because I can have a great moment in my business, really rocking out one minute with phone calls, emails and a lot of action. Within the next hour I can be in my daughter’s room singing and playing with her Hippo Lula. It’s really a beautiful life. As women and mothers there has never been a better time where we CAN have it all.

Thanks to Lisa Cash Hanson of Mompreneur Mogul

3. I Love Rewarding Smart People

As a business owner, the part I love the most is compensating individuals for their services. Employing and compensating people feels very human, and it feels like the way business is supposed to be. That human connection to the circle of business, to the satisfaction in the job you do. I help clients with marketing services, my clients pay me for those services and the cycle furthers when I can receive services from contractors and employees who in turn receive their compensation.

Thanks to Kristina Witmer of Witmer Group

4. We Love Helping Women Look Age-mazing!

Thanks to Deborah Boland of Fabulous after 40

5. How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Count The Ways

There are so many things I love about my business.

1. I love the people I work with, (my clients) they are some of the most amazing and inspirational people I have met.
2. I love the people I work with (my staff). They do awesome work and they are so wonderful!
3. I love doing good work for my clients and I love it that they love the work we do and the results we get.
4. I love the freedom and independence that I have to be there when my teenagers need me.

Thanks to Wendy Kenney of 23 Kazoos

6. Why I Love My Business

I believe that women can have it all, but they need help to do so! My company provides that necessary help and support. Since I was young, I’ve always been a motivated, outgoing self-starter. My parents were self-employed, which motivated and inspired me to do the same. I had a great idea for a business, and I’ve experienced tremendous growth by meeting the needs of other families like my own – who need a little extra help at home. I love helping families find care for the most important people in their life…their children!

Thanks to Candi Wingate of

7. Rediscovering The Joy Of Living

My love of what I do – helping others rediscover the joy of living – keeps me going. As as wellness coach and Pilates and Yoga instructor, I get to do that daily. I know for sure I am “living on purpose” because during the days when I am feeling defeated, I inevitably get an email or call from an old client telling me how much they appreciate my work. I have even had a client look me up 5 years after our last session to tell me, “Thank you for changing my life.” Thinking of that makes me smile.

Thanks to Ashley Karr of Ashley Wellness Coaching

8. It Enables Me To Share In The Joy Of Strangers

By day a Sex Crimes Prosecutor/By night The Poem Lady

Spending my days hearing horrifying tales of woe
Can start to get one down, as to home I head to go
When I arrive, there on the computer screen before me
Are invitations to share the joy of people I’ll never see
This one’s getting married, that one’s having a boy
I get to put words together that I know they’ll just enjoy
It’s a fun little escape, a way to share some happy times
With people who say thank you for my very simple rhymes

Thanks to Jill Starishevsky of The Poem Lady

9. “Women Entrepreneurs – What Do You Love About Your Business

Georgette is a female entrepreneur, business owner, and an active President and CEO. Since the inception of her business, and similar to most entrepreneurs, Georgette has certainly faced many challenges and “ups and downs” along the way. Overall, though, she is equally thankful for the “downs” and considers experiencing them as tremendous learning experiences which have actually helped made her even stronger as a businesswoman.

When asked what she loves the most about being a female entrepreneur and running Pascale Communications, Georgette states the following”
” Most of my referrals are from ‘word of mouth’ “
“I love being a new business machine ALWAYS”
“I get more time with my family since I don’t commute (Pascale Communications is a virtual company)
“My industry ‘friends’ are simply the best”
“We take change ‘head on’ instead of burying our heads in the sand”

Thanks to Devon McSorley of Pascale Communications

10. I Heart My Biz

I love packing up each individual order and adding the additional product samples and PEZ candy, that I know are going to make my customers extra happy when they open their delivery!
I love developing new 3waybeauty products and each step that goes into bringing an idea to fruition. 
I love educating my customers about the ingredients in beauty and personal grooming products – what to use and what to keep out of their personal grooming routine.

I pretty much love everything about my “job”!

Thanks to Becky Sturm of StormSister Spatique

11. Making Sure You Use Your Daily Deal

I am Sarah Schneider, co-founder of, a digital wallet for your daily deals. I love hearing from users about the ways in which Couptivate really provides them value. I often hear from users that they would have forgotten to use a daily deal they purchased were it not for Couptivate (we send email reminders to ensure that your deals never expire on you). Getting this kind of feedback really validates the hard work I put into my company and helping others makes me love what I do.

Thanks to Sarah Schneider of

12. Love Is Helping An Entrepreneur On Their Journey

I love helping other entrepreneurs. I love the concept of small business. And I love giving small business owners access to resources they might not be able to afford otherwise. Every day, I talk to brilliant people who have been laid off, can’t find other work, and have decided to take matters into their own hands by launching a business. I love that I help them on that journey to success through starting their business and forming their business structure at my company.

Thanks to Nellie Akalp of CorpNet

13. My Business Loves Me!

My business loves me and I love my business because it allows me to tap my creative self in designing, in marketing and in promotion. I love the art part the most, but also the business part is fascinating and I must admit-more time consuming.

Thanks to Judy Orcutt of QuilliGraphy

14. Exclusively Working With Passionate Success Driven Clients With Great Products & Services

What I absolutely love about my business is being able to work with fantastic customers who have an energy and passion for what they do. We are very selective about who we do business with and our first criteria is that the customer must be passionate and dedicated to what they do! This makes our job so much easier when we are partnering with a client to bring their product to market!

Thanks to Anastasia Valentine of Sandbox PM An Idea to Launch Company

15. The Joys Of Business

What I love most about running my own business is getting the opportunity to meet so many unique and wonderful people from across the world. They all have such unique taste and such lovely stories to tell.

Thanks to Ashley Berthelot of Fancy Designs

16. I Am Still Learning…

I have been an entrepreneur my entire career. My current startup is hitME Gifts, a mobile/web application for digital gifting. Users can gift music, ebooks and gift cards by text, Twitter, email or Facebook using their computer, smartphone or tablet. I started as a fashion stylist and advised direct mail catalogs, lifestyle brands, and retailers in the area of trend forecasting, creative direction, merchandising, brand marketing and customer development. I launched a publishing company developing high quality books and custom product lines. Providing content development, marketing, creative and editorial services for museums, nonprofits, corporations, authors and artists. Sold into over 300 bookstores including Barnes & Noble. I also invented, patented and developed branded fan gear for professional and college outdoor sporting events selling into hundreds of colleges and NFL. I am also a certified personal trainer and weight loss coach. I run and workout everyday to stay fit and healthy, mentally and physically. I have proven myself as a creative entrepreneur that is passionate about innovation. I love learning new things and meeting new people. I enjoy the journey and bring thoughtful enthusiasm whether I am working on a strategy for one of my own companies, consulting on a project for a client, or advising a fellow entrepreneur.

Thanks to Isabel Summers of Turtle Island

17. Best Part Of My Job: Making Money For Clients

“LeadJen helps B2B sales and marketing executives get value out of every prospecting call. This leads to a predictable and sustainable sales pipeline.The thing I love most about my business is working with a large variety of companies that produce innovative products and have interesting market strategies. Every day I learn something new from my clients and I’m able to see how the work we do contributes to their revenue and growth.”

Thanks to Jenny Vance of LeadJen

18. A Simple Gesture, A Sweet Treat-what’s Not To Love?

Senda Happy Gram is a personalized gift messaging service that I started almost 2 years ago & I thought the thing I would most dislike was actually writing the special messages that customers send to their friends/loved ones because of the time involved BUT to my surprise it is my most favorite part of the job (my happy time)—it’s always fun seeing what clever or sweet messages people are sending to others. I even have a stack of favorites that prove to be inspirational throughout a work day.

Thanks to Laura Hardy of Senda Happy Gram

19. Love Affair With Fashion

I learned to draft pattern at the ripe old age of 15 and was hooked! Fast forward to 2002 after marriage, children and 28 years in the food industry, finally back to my first love; creating garments. This is not work for me, it’s challenging and mentally stimulating but most of all FUN! I can’t wait to see if what I have drafted actually translates well to fabric. It so great when the lines on the paper work exactly as I had wanted them to on the fabric and then it fits! Students LOVE it!

Thanks to Maria Calautti of Le Grand Chic Italia School of Fashion

20. We’re Helping The Sleepless With Goodnighties!

As most know, entrepreneural work is definately not for sissys. Sleep for me is #1 from the beginning! The part I enjoy most about being at the helm of marketing a new revolutionary line of women’s sleepwear ( is when we receive a random phone call or an email from a new customer who is ‘over-the-moon’ over sleeping in our 100% Made in the USA nightwear. We are shipping Goodnighties everywhere so we know we are helping the chronically exhausted which is a nice feeling.

Thanks to Sarah Baldwin of Goodnighties Recovery Sleepwear

21. My Business Is How I Make A Difference

“I love my business because it harnesses the best of my capabilities and values in service to my community and the environment. Through it, I protect the health of our oceans, wild spaces and clients, and I give Angelenos beautiful, healthy, safe places to enjoy. What could be better than benefiting the people you love most with everything you are?”

Thanks to Cassy Aoyagi of FormLA Landscaping

22. I Love My Schedule!

Working with my teenage daughter/business partner is an obvious love of our brand new business, but I also love my schedule! Every day varies & I make the decision how to prioritize my day. The excitement and newness is energizing. I prioritize: 
– writing or
– scouting teen trends or
– making contact with new companies or
– taking photos or 
– working out or
– or networking or…
– family time.
Plus, I can choose the time and place, and what hours to set. It’s my schedule and I love it!

Thanks to Kim Gordon of popcosmo

23. Friends From Down Under And Giggles And Gasps

I’m the writer/publisher of a series of real estate mysteries who loves her business. In the course of promoting my books, I’ve developed far-flung friendships. One of my favorites is with an Australian columnist who featured me on a day when my son was in Australia and surprised to see mom in the paper. My favorite experience, though, has been reading my books to a group of shut-in seniors via a conference call. When they laugh at funny parts and whisper, “ahh-oh” at scary parts, I’m thrilled.

Thanks to Nancy Lynn Jarvis of Good Read Mysteries

24. I Love To Do What I Love!

Every day I work on creating products that will help us all live a more comfortable, healthy and happier life. They are my own ideas and I work every day to build them share them and make money as well. Our world is a world where we can enjoy each day by doing what we know best. I have invented a pillow to stop snoring called SnoreEzzz, fragrances that make you feel better and a blog to bring new organic product reviews to families. I love to do what I love!

Thanks to Christine Frisbee of First Impressions Productions, LLC

25. For The Love Of Freedom

My name is Feuza Reis and I am owner of Feuza Inc, a Wedding Photo and Cinematography company based in NJ. I started when my two kids were quite small back in 2008 and what I love about my photo business is that it gives me lots of freedoms. I have freedom to tell stories the way I want to tell them, I have freedom to create, I have freedom to work from home & be with my kids, I have freedom to make my own schedule and travel as needed and most of all I have freedom to be just me with my art.

Thanks to Feuza Reis of Feuza Inc.

26. All In The Family

What I love most is doing what I love while working with the ones I love– my family. It is incredible to have created a fashion jewelry business with my sister where we design, source, and have our own e-commerce site and working everyday with my entire family. I feel extremely lucky to love who I work with and what I do!

Thanks to Jennifer Worman of T+J Designs

27. The Love Of Helping Others

I love the fact that I can use my talents, abilities and passions and apply them towards helping other businesses.

Thanks to Christine Davis of Annointed Assistant

28. Be Proud Of What You Are Doing

I am a Marriage Proposal Planner and I love my business because I help people all over the world plan one of the most special days in their lives. They look to me to calm their nerves, plan their special moment, and make sure everything is perfect. I cannot mess up and I love the pressure because seeing the people get proposed to in a personalized way is worth it all. I get really excited when I get invited to their wedding because then I know I did a really good job!

Thanks to Michele Velazquez of The Heart Bandits

29. My Relationship With My Co-Workers

There are so many things I could choose, but what I’ve truly come to love is the people that I work with. We all have an excellent relationship with one another, and our office knows how to have fun. Even when things get a little hectic, we can still have a good time.

And, if I didn’t own my business, I’m not sure if I would have been able to create the same atmosphere around my office. It really has been one of the best little bonuses that comes with being an entrepreneur!

Thanks to Deborah Sweeney of MyCorporation

30. Dearest Design Firm, I’d Shrivel Up And Die Without You

Interior designers like me are prolific iterators. Without creative outlet we just shrivel up and die. My business demands my emotional reactions to styles and colors. Love and hate serve as a compass. Eventually there is focused fascination toward textures, finishes and patterns. Each project is a journey full of both knowledge based decisions and reckless abandon. In the end there is always a wonderful synergy of everything coming together – and this is oh so gorgeous!

Thanks to Amanda Zettel of Homemade Design

31. Character & Integrity – What’s Not To Love?!

We are blessed with the most incredible partners – the small business owners at the cafes, restaurants, delis, candy shops, bakeries, butchers, grocers, etc. which we feature on our food tours. Doing business with these exceptionally hard-working, creative, friendly, generous and caring people is one of the things I love best about my business. They not only represent the spirit of the American dream of owning a business, they truly represent the best of our culture, character and integrity.

Thanks to Lisa Scalia of Melting Pot Food Tous

32. Making Room For My Revolution…

I love being able to dream big and take action on the projects I’m truly passionate about. You truly get to take a huge crush on a big goal to reality without someone editing you or telling you it’s not good enough. Crazy love for creative freedom and since I’m all about making room for your big idea — that’s actually the thing that I love the most about my biz…having room to dream and take action on what thrills me the most!

Thanks to Anne Samoilov of Anne Samoilov

33. Flexibility Is The Key To Success: As Long As You Are Willing To Work!

I absolutely love my job because I get to see people on the happiest days of their lives – weddings, anniversaries, birthdays. I also love that I can work my business around the happiest times of my own life. If I have a personal event to attend, I have the flexibility to book appointments whenever I may have time. I feel honored that people choose to have me be a part of their special day. My goal is to make them feel as beautiful and as confident as can be!

Thanks to Heather Adessa of Makeup & Hair By Heather A.

34. Eyes On The Prize

My favorite part about my business is getting people their dream job, but with the fast-paced daily grind of my industry it is very easy to lose sight of the big picture. My go-to tip for any industry is be to not get lost in the small stuff. Sure, days will be rough, or you can have a bad week, but overall the most important thing is to love what you do. Everything falls into place if you’re truly passionate about your work.

Thanks to Caitlin Hofherr of Alter Ego Concierge

35. Being A Passion Trampoline

What I love about my business is the freedom to create platforms for others who are passionate about what they do to spread their vision. So far, I’ve written my book Passion Pays featuring passionate people, co-created the Get Passionate Radio Show, designed telesummits and I’m working on a webtv show. I can create as many platforms as I want and I can be as creative as I want. Total freedom to fit in all the skins I feel that I have. That’s where my joy comes from!!

Thanks to Genevieve De Lacaze of GDL Transitions

36. The Possibilities Are Endless

The best part about owning your own company is that whatever you dream up, you can make come true—so long as you stay true to your brand, your customers and, most importantly, yourself. That’s why our PR firm, founded in 2008, launched our business magazine,, in 2010, and our daily event promotional site,, in 2011. We’re in the process of launching in 2012. It’s fabulously fun, and part of the joy of entrepreneurship.

Thanks to Hope Gibbs of Inkandescent Public Relations

37. My Business Has Given Me Flexibility To Enjoy It’s Fruits

The best part of this now 12-year old company is that I’m at a place where I can enjoy the fruits of my labor and have a pretty seemingly flexible schedule which has allowed for travel and also being more hands-on raising my new son than most moms are blessed to have.

Thanks to Amanda Vega of Amanda Vega Consulting

38. Love Is In The Air.

After 30 years in the banking industry which had layers of policies, regulations and demanding sales goals, I love being in business that allows me freedom to be creative without approval. Best thing, I traded in my business suit for shorts and t-shirts. My years in the banking industry truly prepared me as entrepreneur. As a business owner, doing what I love with the same dedication and passion is the best feeling in the world. I can’t wait to get up in the morning and get to work.

Thanks to Angie Higa of Sky Dreams LLC

39. Corporate Creativity Is Not Always Appreciated

I created my own product, Finders Key Purse (don’t ever dig for your keys again), my own sales team (friends and acquaintances enjoyed the challenge), and my own path to success (we sold 1 million Finders Key Purse in our first year of business)!
My creativity that used to make my passengers smile (I was a flight attendant for over 30 years), was not always appreciated by airline management.
Having fun, being creative, and enjoying what comes from my own way of doing business is what I love!

Thanks to Sandy Stein of Alexx, Inc.

40. It Encourages Me To Stay Positive

I love writing content articles for my business because it not only gives to others, but always gives back to me in a special way. Because my business is about positive thinking, it is a constant reminder to me to stay encouraged and positive in the face of disappointments and delays when running a business. I also enjoy the creative activity that the writing brings to my life. I think it’s important to do things we love in the business so it can sustain itself and grow with love!

Thanks to Suzanne Glover of Effective Positive Thinking

41. Raise Your Kids, Grow Your Business

The part that I love the most about working for myself is that I’m available to my children. I can easily tailor my schedule in order to volunteer at their school, chaperone field trips and take them to doctors appointments. I love that I can work while they’re at school and after they go to bed. I won’t miss a thing in their lives while growing my brand and using my creativity.

Thanks to Karen Bullard of Paper Fancy

42. The Glass Is Always Full

Being your own Boss is an awesome responsibility & its up to you to keep your glass full, not half empty. No one is looking over your shoulder & micromanaging you & no one tells you when to do it. I can take a spin class at 11:30 am, or go to lunch with friends, but I’m blogging at 9 & creating a marketing campaign at 11pm. You get to look at your world in 24 hrs. not 8. Last night I went to a WEBO meeting in NYC with friends. It felt more like a party than “Working”! I love that.

Thanks to Megan Jones-Holt of Boxes For You

43. Loving The Business Of Love

My name is Keri Wootton, CWEP and President of Leave The Details To Me weddings and events. I’m in the business of love (as a wedding planner), and what I love most about my job is seeing a bride walk into the venue and having her fantasies fulfilled. The goal for any event is making my own tastes disappear, and letting the bride and groom shine on their special day. I take great honor in being part of such momentous occasions and helping people acheive the event of their dreams.

Thanks to Keri Wootton of Leave The Details To Me

44. More Family Time

What I love most about my business is that I can be home to raise my daughter and take care of my family. My work can be done at home so it allows me to work while I take care of my baby and my household.

Thanks to Roxanne King of The Holistic Mama

45. Promise

What I LOVE about my business is the promise of a new design unfolding, the promise of a new customer, the promise of seeing my bags in the pages of a magazine or on a television sitcom, and the promise of future growth. I have so much promise for my business and it drives me forward everyday even when the tasks are piling up and seem insurmountable. I see so much promise and potential for my business to affect lives and I love that feeling.

Thanks to Katrina Griffis of Pink Koala Design

46. Empowerment, Pride And Success was born out of love & necessity. My love of animals and a need to provide for my children, as a single mom. I have a business degree but had only used it to create companies for the men in my life and it was about time I put my skills to use on my own behalf. It has been 6 years and the website has grown to over 20,000 visits per month. I am proud to say that I am my own boss and it feels great to write myself a check for my hard work and dedication that says “YOU DID IT!”

Thanks to Stacy Braverman of

47. Jewelry Designing From The Heart

One of the things I love about designing jewelry is knowing that many times my jewelry is purchased by a person as a gift for someone they love. This is particularly true at Valentine’s day and it gives me great pleasure to know that I have handmade a piece of jewelry that is designed from the heart and will be given as a loving gift. Happy Valentine’s day everyone!

Thanks to Paula Huckabay of Pacific Jewelry Designs

48. The Freedom To GIVE MORE Is Why I Love Having My Own Business!

I love to give, and I use my weight loss coaching business as a tool to do it! For me, giving is not a strategy but a way of life. I give because I LOVE what I do! I love inspiring life change! Being able to serve deserving women by meeting them where they are(anywhere in the world!) using tools like video and text messaging keeps me aligned with my mission statement to consistently over-deliver to my clients so they can achieve amazing results with their weight loss in record time, every time.

Thanks to Katy Gillis of Gillis Fitness Consulting

49. Do What You Love…love What You Do!

One of the great things about having your own business is the ability to use the gifts that God has given you to live out your dreams and be independent. Far too often, people go off to jobs they hate day in and day out…miserable, while life passes them by. I, however, love my work (for the most part), call my own shots, and don’t have to deal with angry commuters! What can be better than that?!;)

Thanks to Christine White of Scandle Body Candle LLC

50. Creatively In Love

I am the owner of Cover 2 Cover LLC, a creative marketing, advertising and digital publishing company. There are many aspects of my business that I love, but mostly love how my business allows for my creativity to shine. I love meeting wth new businesses that want to create a custom brand and all they have are their ideas. Taking a clients’ vision and bringing it to life is my specialty and their feedback sets me on a high because now they see what was once just an idea, is now a reality.

Thanks to Ieesha Chandler of Cover 2 Cover LLC

51. We Love “Transforming Your Health, Body, And Mind”

Since 2004, Gorgeous Getaways is the PIONEER of cosmetic/dental surgery holidays, and only offer the best quality standards at all times. We work with leading hospitals/surgeons too negotiate reasonable prices. In essence, treatments overseas or abroad are far less expensive than at home. With over 5000+ clients, and thousands of testimonials our success comes from providing direct full service and support in home and destination countries ensuring complete client safety, quality, and securit

Thanks to Rachel Rowling of Gorgeous Getaways

52. Making Money In My Sleep

I used to only make money when I was awake and treating my patients. Now, after partnering with Dr. Rodan + Dr. Fields Dermatologists I make money while I sleep. I run a virtual franchise where my patients, colleagues and business partners can shop for all of their skincare concerns 24/7. 
I love bringing other like-minded entrepreuners into my business so they too can make money while they rest. We treat: aging skin, wrinkles, sun damage, liver spots, rosacea, eczema, sensitive skin & acne

Thanks to Kristen Burris, L.Ac.,M.S.T.O.M. of Eagle Acupuncture

53. Stretching Sweetly

One of the things that I most love about running my own business is the yoga mat next to my desk. No one blinks if I take a break and go into downward dog, or stand and twist, or practice lunges to loosen up hips sore from sitting. As an entrepreneur I also love the sweet freedom to schedule appointments away from rush hour and avoid freeway frustration. While my workday may be longer than 9 – 5, doing small stretches throughout my day helps me stay clear headed, calmer and more productive.

Thanks to Elaine Masters of Drivetime Yoga

54. Biz Thrills

My favorite time is when someone gasps at my designs or sends me an email saying how “gorgeous” they are which, after all, is the reason I sell them in the first place. Most of the “business” end of business is not nearly as much fun as creating new and unique products and getting positive feedback. When someone buys my work it is extra validation that they applaud with their pocketbooks.
My “Hearts” design in pillow cover/Giclee print was inspired by The Metropolitan Museum of Art collections.

Thanks to Alice Shapiro of FYND

55. Lexion Capital Management – On A Mission To Provide Superior And Transparent Investment Advice

Elite money management should not be elitist. Everyone should have access to superior, ethical and transparent investment advice. You deserve a personalized portfolio to meet your unique needs. Lexion crafts distinctive investment plans that are uniquely suited to your goals. We offer one critical service: objective investment advice free from any conflicts of interest. We focus exclusively on wealth management, and work to invest, grow and protect your assets. Our priority is your satisfaction.

Thanks to Elle Kaplan of Lexion Capital, LLC

56. Creativity Is Catching

After working both corporate and academic settings (plus years as a stay-at-home mom), the thing I really love about entrepreneurship is the variety and creativity. When you’re a small business and just getting on your feet, you have to wear a lot of different hats. I understand that for some people this would be a negative, but it’s great for me. I get to use my creativity writing about our product, I get to use my sales background pitching stories, I am learning so much each day; it’s great!

Thanks to Jen Sieve-Hicks of KIDzOUT

57. I Love The Freedom And Felxibility Of Being An Entrepreneur…

Even though I’m working harder than ever before, I love the flexibility that comes from being the boss and owner. I have more time to spend with my son, more time for friends and more time for volunteering. I may be on my Blackberry until 9 every night, but that’s my choice and perhaps I spent lunch that day doing something really fun and spontaneous. Debra

Thanks to Debra Locker of Locker Public Relations

58. The Ability To Change

While “the ability to change” may not sound very sexy, it really sums up all the freedoms I enjoy about being an entrepreneur. I love the freedom I have in making my schedule, determining my rates and specials as well where I will and won’t travel. I love the ability to create products and programs every time I need to help someone get to their goals. I love being the “guinea pig” for any new product or recipe/regime that I promote or talk about. As I change, so does my business and products.

Thanks to JJ Flizanes of Invisible Fitness

59. Feel Good Style

The favorite thing about my business? Walking down the street and seeing a pregnant woman wearing one of our slogan tees…knowing we added a little fun and lightheartedness to her nine long months!

Thanks to Amy Bright of 2 Chix Maternity & Baby

60. Love To See My Clients Success!

I have been the head of a public relations firm for 8 years. What I love about my job is seeing clients featured in the news or digital media because they are bringing something exciting, inspirational or remarkable into the marketplace. I am not successful as a public relations professional unless my clients are successful and I love being a part of their business growth and exposure!

Thanks to Crystal Brown-Tatum of Crystal Clear Communications

61. I LOVE Watching My People Fly!

I LOVE that I can help other people become entrepreneurs like me. 

I LOVE that in my training business, Corporate Writing Pro, I can teach college students, interns, and mentees how to put their liberal arts degrees to great use running a business like mine. 

I LOVE that in my transcription business, ProTrans, I can help stay-at-home moms become financially independent and run their own businesses, in their own time.

I teach my clients how to write, but I LOVE to watch my people fly!

Thanks to Michelle Baker of Corporate Writing Pro

62. I Heart My Clients

I LOVE that I can choose which clients to work with. When I had a conventional job, I worked for a person who way NOT NICE to say the least, but I had no choice in working with him because he was the top guy! Now if I work with people who are impossible to deal with, I simply finish their project and nicely decline working with them in the future because I am “unavailable” 🙂

Shakira M. Johnson, President
Johnson PR & Events

Thanks to Shakira Johnson of Johnson PR & Events

63. I Love That My Business Gives Me Total Creative Freedom.

I get to explore materials, design ideas and craft techniques for my jewelry design that are totally of my choosing. I love hearing from customers that they receive compliments when wearing my work — I want my customers to feel confident and beautiful in my jewelry designs. I give to my business, but it always
gives back, and usually in surprising ways!

Thanks to Peggy Li of Handmade Jewelry by Peggy Li Creations

64. People Passion!

Meeting new, interesting people from splendidly diverse origins is a highlight of my training & development business. 

Nothing diminishes the immense professional fulfillment I experience when I see the “light of understanding” on the faces of seminar participants. 

As I passionately equip clients with strategic relationship-building tools, I’m afforded new opportunities to build more strong, positive, mutually beneficial connections. 

I ♥♥♥ people! They’re our greatest resource for success.

Thanks to Val McLeod of Conversations with V!

65. Dogs & Vacation–What’s Not To Love?

As owner of Canine Camp Getaway of NY, the Lake George, NY vacation for dogs & dog lovers, there’s lots to love about my business (in fact, the whole business IS an act of love, a gift to the two “loves” of my life–my dogs!). I get to create an amazing vacation experience for dogs & dog lovers; I get to enjoy time with my dogs; I’m able to meet and help build a community of like-minded dog lovers and I get to support animal charities (through our Silent Auction). My dogs love the business , too

Thanks to Janice Costa of Canine Camp Getaway of NY

66. What I Love About Both Of My Businesses

I’ve run The Zimmerman Group, a marketing/consulting business, for 24 years. In 2011, I launched Jewish Holidays in a Box to help families create meaningful celebrations more easily and with more joy. 

Together, and separately, these businesses fuel my drive — to develop new solutions, using new technologies, that still tap into enduring human emotions and needs. 

Bottom line: both businesses provide endless opportunities to be creative, to be of value, to grow and to learn every day!

Thanks to Ellen Zimmerman of Jewish Holidays in a Box

67. My Love Letter & Love Affair With My Business

As a PR Strategist, I enjoy putting smiles on my clients’ faces. Known as a “go to” person, I love being a connector and connecting the dots, meeting and exceeding expectations, and working a 4 day work week. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Thanks to Latashia DeVeaux of DeVeauxted Enterprises


I am the co-creator of a little dog character named Trouble … his mission is to help kids and dogs going through tough times (sometimes adults too). What I love about my business is that rarely does a day go by when I don’t hear from a child who loves Trouble, or a parent who tells me their child can’t sleep without Trouble. We also rescue dogs from TN through our Trouble mission and knowing how these pups have absolutely found the right forever homes never ceases to warm my heart!

Thanks to Sheila Duncan of Larkin Ltd.

69. In Charge Of My Own Destiny!

I’ve owned my business for over 18 years now. What I truly love is that in good times and bad, I am still running the show. Previously, I worked in the corporate arena. I remember in one year, I had been laid off 3 times in 8 months. Downsizing, mergers and a bad economy forced all three of the layoffs from wonderful companies. That was the year I decided to start my business. It’s a ton of work and even though I still go through difficult times, I love that I am in charge of my destiny!

Thanks to Deborah Carducci of Carducci Design Group, Inc.

70. Beauty, Balance And Glow From The Inside Out!

I am the founder of Shaffali Skincare. I love sharing the things that I am most passionate about in life through my business. I love making and refining skincare products for 15+ years. I love that yoga and meditation are incorporated into my line through our skincare rituals. I love that my line is carried at top spas and yoga studios. I love that I am able to express myself through the company blog, Meditate on This, where people are able to connect to a real person.
[Reflect the Light Within]

Thanks to Shaffali Miglani of Shaffali Organic Skincare

71. Virtual Team

Out of everything that I have achieved so far with 3six5dates, I am most proud of my team – a group of 10 volunteers across four different time zones all virtually connected. I have actually not met most of them in real life and manage the operation without make-up on and in my pyjamas on most days! The flexibility of being able to decide your own hours and running an online business where the main thing that is required is an internet connection is definitely a major plus.

Thanks to Shelli Trung of 3six5dates

72. Loving My Lingerie Business

I love lingerie (Really, who doesn’t). I love to help people find the perfect piece. I hate the idea of purchasing lingerie, only to get tucked in the back of the drawer, never to be heard from again. NOOO!
I love chatting with people who purchase my lingerie. I have a woman who partially credits me with the birth of her 2nd child & I recently met a couple who married in there 60’s & say they have a vivacious love life. I loved their story so much I blogged about it.
So what’s not to love?

Thanks to Brenda Gonzalez of Naughty and Nice Lingerie

73. I’m Thoughtfully Developing Chile….

I’m making real time impact w/my Chilean business partner Carlos Leiva to support a country (Chile) in becoming a fully developed nation before the end of the decade & decrease their huge social inequality gap through entrepreneurship. 

Here alone, 17 mos & 5k miles away from home what I have sacrificed to get here (missing my only brother’s wedding to a milestone anniversary) is tremendous but I’m writing a place in the history books and leaving my legacy and what can be measured against that?

Thanks to Shonika Proctor of AndesBeat

74. Love . . . One Hair At A Time!

My business changes women’s lives one hair at a time . . .literally! Most of my clients are just like me-had a full beard and hid their real beauty because they felt alone, that no one else would understand their secret. I love to go to work each day, educate women that they are not alone, there are more of us with unwanted hair than not, and see the transformations happen! Whether it is one hair or a million hairs, love happens one hair at a time . . .permanently gone using electrolysis.

Thanks to Jeannie M Bush of Amenity Electrolysis, LLC

75. Lovin’ My Biz For Letting Me Love My Family

As a busy entrepreneur who is also mom to a preschooler, what I love most about my business is that I get to work on projects I love with people I love around me – my daughter and my husband. I love helping businesses and entrepreneurs do MORE with web content and social media and if I can do it from the comfort of my home with my daughter reading next to me, well life just gets a whole lot better. So, yes, I love my business ‘cos it lets me love my family SO much more!

Thanks to Prerna Malik of Social Media Direct

76. A Love Letter To My Business

Just like a baby I get excited watching you grow, the freedom that you have given me has allowed me to be there for my children whenever they need me and I hope in future you will be the parent (aged corp) that will be there for them and their children. Pitfalls are worthwhile for every success and triumphant we share together, oh my business how much I do love you because you make life so enjoyable, I’m living my dream, loving what I do and it’s all because of you.

Thanks to Donna Llewellyn of CMG

77. What I LOVE About My Business

Hello world! my name is Taysha Valez founder of myTAY PCS. I love my business because i keep women all around the world connected on the go! I love the fact that there are 25-55 year old women around the world that use myTAY offerings as tools (TAYSearch), often before the big guys like facebook and google. My business is mobile.. it’s beautiful and it’s changing the way people view technology. And it changes the way people search see and shop the world. Very exciting! And i love it! xoxo TAY

Thanks to Taysha Valez of myTAY PCS

78. I Love That My Company Helps People

Lola’s Foundation ( provides families and shelters in need with food, supplies, as well as health education and access to after-school programs. By reallocating goods and services that otherwise would go to waste; Lola’s Foundation strives to promote healthy living for communities in need. Whenever I drop off donations, it makes me feel good knowing that I am helping people, even though my impact may be small, I’m taking baby steps to build this business.

Thanks to Analisa Hightower of Lola’s Foundation

79. Freedom!

Entreprenuership offers the freedom to take as many vacations as you want, attract and serve your ideal client and make as much money as you want in the process. You can be the difference you want to be in the world and have fun doing it on your terms. You may work more however it’s work you love because everything you do comes from the heart. LOVE IT!!!

Thanks to Terry Wildemann of Heart Centered Success

80. Make Money Doing What I Love

What I love most about my business is that I make great money doing what I love. For me, my business is an expression of my life purpose and my mission. I get to make a big difference doing what I love while serving ideal clients who I love. I serve heart-centered entrepreneurs, messengers, and social change agents ready to step up and play a bigger game who want to get unstuck and who want to make big money and a big impact with their gifts, talents & expertise. I give them the wings to fly!

Thanks to Nikkea B. Devida of The Soaring Entrepreneur

81. The Heart Is What Matters

Each day I have the opportunity to learn what matters from people’s hearts. Being able to support others by offering the crystallization of clarity allows them to recognize what beliefs are keeping them from taking the actions necessary to secure their desired results or what they want. This is truly the best business because I can follow my passion of learning and then sharing that knowledge with others and getting paid is the gravy as Bette Davis said.

Thanks to Leanne Hoagland-Smith of ADVANCED SYSTEMS

82. You’re The One In Charge!

I love the fact that I’m the one who can impact what and how my business does. It’s about taking full responsibility for everything – scary and hard at times, but so fulfilling and rewarding, too.

Thanks to Isabelle Fredborg of Solopreneur’s Toolbox

83. Something Old? Something New!

I love my business because I get to spend all day doing what I love best: give old dresses new life. I take unwanted cast-off silk wedding gowns and add sustainable fabrics like hemp and organic cotton to create new eco-chic designs for brides who want to do their bit to ‘be green’. My business makes people happy and saves the world through fabulous dresses! I can’t think of a better way to spend my time!

Thanks to Lori Del Genis of Conscious Elegance Eco-Chic Wedding Dresses

84. We Love Our Urban Influence!

The most loveable thing about MetroSeeker is that while what we are doing may be intangible, it is going to influence the way people view cities. We are on a mission to make it easier for people to find an emotional connection to their city and uncover the true essence of its people. Also, in this day and age of an overly saturated market, I love knowing that what we are doing is going to rock the online world!

Thanks to Ysmay Gray of

85. I Love Helping People Love Themselves

Helping my clients feel good about themselves is priceless. Getting to know your own body and then sculpting it into what you’ve always dreamed is the best present you can give yourself. The confidence and self-esteem that result are like falling in love with yourself — a valentine that never goes away.

Thanks to Mindy Berla of Brooklyn Academy Roots

86. Freedom To Choose Is What I Love Most About Running My Own Business

What I love most about running my own business is freedom..not freedom to do whatever I want…but freedom to ultimately choose: the vision & values I want to promote, the kind of bike tours I want to offer, the kind of guests I would like, who I want on my team, where I locate my business, when & how hard I want to work, how little or how much money I want to make. Everything is in our control & I love being in the driver’s seat. It is a huge responsibility and I love that too.

Thanks to Lauren Hefferon of Ciclismo Classico


I LOVE that after a grueling day of HR, sales, guest interaction, partnership and finance, I am exhausted and yet I pour myself into bed with a smile. I LOVE that I have more bosses than ever: the government, guests, employee needs – but I feel like I dictate my life and being. I LOVE it when a guest says Thank You to me – weather it be a great stay or a miscommunication which was resolved well. I LOVE it that I can envision I will be the next leader in hospitality and know it is possible. I LOVE that I get to pick my favorite places in the world and be a part of them… and mostly, I LOVE that on some level, I make people happier for the time they stay with us – and help to create memories for a lifetime.

Thanks to Deb Pierrel of Cle Hospitality, LLC

88. DUCTZ Love!

I love owning and running my own business. Why? Well, as you know SOME women have control issues. I would be in the top 5% of that category. That also makes my attention to detail just a little bit keener. Now I won’t say I love the paperwork part of my business, but I sure do love the results I see when a job is completed. It is very satisfying to see dirt leave, and I made it go away. Maybe that is the reward for control satisfaction. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Thanks to Miriam Wettenstein of Dimensional Marketing

89. What I LOVE About Being The Clueless Chick!

I LOVE the excitement of staying up all night working on a new idea
I LOVE the amazing feeling I get from positive feedback
I LOVE that I am making my mark on the world and leaving a legacy to my little ones
I LOVE that being my own boss leaves no room to second guess myself!
I LOVE everything about owning my own business!

Thanks to Jennifer Durbin of The Clueless Chick

90. I Do What I Love And I Love What I Do.

What I love about my business is connecting people with experiences, technology, places, and things that add to their quality of life. I work with private clients in social media connections and I am also a travel writer for travel websites and lifestyle magazines.

The social media world can be so overwhelming for my clients but I love taking them through the steps of connecting with their clients, and followers. 

I write about the essence of travel and what it means to visit a place.

Thanks to Grace Belangia of GAB Consulting

91. 4 C’s And A Few P’s: This Is What I Love About Business!

– Collaborate-with others on cross promotion, sponsorship, product/service development, expanding reach
– Create-products,services and bigger playgrounds
– Champion Others-mentor and be a champion for others
– Charitable component-business success provides more opportunity to be charitable and give back in bigger ways
..These keep me focused on purpose, passion and profit!
Tips to 4 C’s and a few P’s:
– Be clear, have a plan,work in your genius and passion, and do the ASK (ask for help)

Thanks to Charmaine Hammond of Hammond International Inc

92. Quality Of Life Anyone?

I LOVE that I am in charge of my own schedule and have the flexibility to go anywhere, any time without having to ask permission from anyone. I love the freedom in that—so irreplaceable!

Thanks to Jennifer Chiongbian of Rutenberg Realty NYC

93. “I Love Seeing People Develop Their Capabilities And Grow In Their Roles And Responsibilities.”

Our Founder and CEO, Shobha Tummala’s favorite part of about her business is, “I love seeing people develop their capabilities and grow in their roles and responsibilities.”

With a Masters in Business Administration from Harvard Business School and an Electrical Engineering Degree from Michigan State University, Shobha Tummala went against the norm. Today, Shobha has three hair removal salons in New York City, an online presence at and an extensive product line.

Thanks to Jennifer Pesce of Shobha

94. Helping A Client During An Important Moment In His Life!

I am a gemologist, and own my own business as an engagement ring liaison. My absolute favorite part of my business is the human element. I am there for a very important part of a man’s life, the time when he decides he is going to propose to the woman he loves. It is a very delicate and tender moment in life, where he wants to achieve and succeed but doesn’t know quite how to do it. I am so thankful that I can help guide and assist during this important occasion. And when all is said and done and he proposes, I am able to share in the joy and excitement through the retelling of the engagement story. I am so glad that I have a job and a business where I am able to not only make the client happy, but also his future spouse. It is truly rewarding!

Thanks to Molly Clarke of Ring Liaison LLC

95. Helping Others Is An Opportunity To Experience Love Every Day!

As a mental and behavioral health specialist, in Cary,NC, I am honored at each opportunity to use my expertise to help adults, children and adolescents. What I love most about my calling to help others is the change I see in my clients after working with me. I have helped foster children successfully reunite with their parents, couples fall back in love, parents greatly improving their parenting, and children with outstanding behaviors function appropriately in their home,school, and community

Thanks to KaRae’ Carey, PhD of Triangle Stepfamily Institute

96. Me, Myself And I

This isn’t meant to sound selfish, rather it’s a confidence-boosting approach to business. Choosing to launch a start-up was multi-intentional (flexibility, ability to be home with my children, entrepreneurship, etc.) however every aspect rests on my shoulders. Yes, at times the responsibility is overwhelming however mostly, it’s empowering, motivating and downright thrilling! The best part? Taking the occasional afternoon ‘off’ to sit in the movie theater all by myself.

Thanks to Stacey Vulakh of Timestyle Coaching & Consulting

97. Bio-tech “I Love You” For Life

My day is filled with life-changing events, literally. We give people their lives back after losing it to pain, illness, addiction or emotional stress. I am the CEO of an institute training doctors worldwide in a treatment that eradicates 20 year severe chronic pain in 2-4 hours, without the use of medication. If you are looking for the perfect way to show your love to one who suffers with pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, addiction or premature aging, this technology is the #1 ‘gift of love’.

Thanks to Victoria Richards of The Physician’s Institute

98. The Best Of All Worlds

What I love most about my business is having control of my destiny. My business started because, like most new moms, I wanted to be home with my baby. While it was truly rewarding, I still craved the mental stimulation I was used to as a full-time career woman. I decided to start my own jewelry company, Grey Lee Designs, so that I could have the best of all worlds: engaging professionally, keeping a pulse on my family, channeling my creativity and being in control of my own success.

Thanks to Regina Chapman of Grey Lee Designs

99. I Love The Aha Moments!

I love helping people. I so enjoy helping clients rewire their brain from negative thinking to the positive perspectives that bring motivation, focus and success. I love being a part of the aha moments as the lights turn on and suddenly some underlying feeling and lifelong issue is explained and changed! I love being a part of the process as I meet with my clients each week and they build momentum for making the changes they want in their life! 

Train your Brain to Life your Best!

Thanks to Holly Stokes of The Brain Trainer, LLC

100. My Job Is Passport To The World

For over 20 years, I have been an adventure traveler. I backpacked and biked around Europe and after meeting my American husband in Oxford England in 1988, I “settled” down to become wife, mother and take advantage of the down time to finish getting my bachelor’s degree.

I co-founded Adios Adventure Travel over 2 years ago. I absolutely love this job. I hate spending hours on the computer, but I love connecting and building relationships with people from around the world.
And I get to travel

Thanks to Jacquie Whitt of Adios Adventure Travel

101. We Guarantee Smiles!

Our favorite (and most rewarding) part of the business is knowing that people around the world are smiling each day through a product we created years ago called KindNotes. Our jars of themed or personalized messages enclosed in linen decorative envelopes are made for the recipient to open daily or anytime they need a lift. Anyone can use a little pick-me-up so we’re grateful that we can help brighten someone’s day!

Thanks to Linda Tong of KindNotes, Unique & Thoughtful Gifts